Wishes for the New Harvard Art Museums

September 6, 2013
Index Magazine

Wishes for the New Harvard Art Museums

Last spring, our Division of Academic and Public Programs (DAPP) and the Harvard Art Museums Undergraduate Connection (HAMUC) organized Senior Night, an event to celebrate graduating students. During the planning process, HAMUC expressed an interest in hearing students’ wishes and hopes for the museums as we all anticipate the opening in fall 2014.

The team produced a set of delightfully openended “I Wish . . .” cards for the over 300 students who came to the event. The cards were a big hit and captured a range of wishes—including comfortable gallery seating for quiet study breaks, regular student-only nights at the museums, and more opportunities to learn from our museums staff.

We hope to find out more in the coming months about what students want to see and do in their new museums.