HAMUC Celebrates Harvard College Seniors

May 3, 2013
Index Magazine

HAMUC Celebrates Harvard College Seniors

Harvard College Students at Senior Night. Photos: Antoinette Hocbo.

Last month, over 300 Harvard College students packed into the Arthur M. Sackler Museum to celebrate graduating seniors, in an event organized by the Harvard Art Museums Undergraduate Connection (HAMUC). Led by co-presidents Camille Coppola ’14 and Joe Glynias ’14, HAMUC helps undergraduate students get involved—whether through projects or events—with the Harvard Art Museums.

On this early spring evening, students explored the galleries; took thematic tours of the exhibition In Harmony: The Norma Jean Calderwood Collection of Islamic Art, led by undergraduate student guides; and during a festive reception, watched a slideshow showing the progress of the renovation project. We asked them to leave their “wishes” for the renovated Harvard Art Museums, which will open in the fall of 2014. Here are some highlights:

“I wish . . . for more people to know how great our collections are!” “I wish . . . for wireless access so we can look things up about the art on display.” “I wish . . . to be able to watch and learn from conservators integrating art and chemistry!”

What do you wish for the new Harvard Art Museums?

See more images from the event on Flickr.