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Gallery Talk: Nevin Aladağ’s Best Friends

Two women in matching outfits stand close together in a city setting.
Nevin Aladağ, Best Friends Berlin #5, 2012. C-Print. Harvard Art Museums/Busch-Reisinger Museum, Antonia Paepcke DuBrul Fund, 2023.462. © Nevin Aladağ.

Gallery Talk

Harvard Art Museums
32 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA

This event does not require registration; see further details below.

Nevin Aladağ’s ongoing portrait series Best Friends documents similarly dressed friends in cities worldwide. Focusing on friends Aladağ photographed in Germany, curatorial fellow Peter Murphy will discuss how unspoken elements such as clothing and body language express both individual and shared identity.

This talk is offered in conjunction with the exhibition Made in Germany? Art and Identity in a Global Nation (September 13, 2024–January 5, 2025).

Led by:
Peter Murphy, Stefan Engelhorn Curatorial Fellow in the Busch-Reisinger Museum, Division of Modern and Contemporary Art

Please check in with museum staff at the Visitor Services desk in the Calderwood Courtyard to request to join the talk. Talks are limited to 18 people and are available on a first-come, first-served basis; no registration is required.

The Harvard Art Museums offer free admission every day, Tuesday through Sunday. Please see the museum visit page to learn about our general policies for visiting the museums.

Made in Germany? Art and Identity in a Global Nation is made possible by the Daimler Curatorship of the Busch-Reisinger Museum Fund, the Carola B. Terwilliger Bequest, German Friends of the Busch-Reisinger Museum, and the Care of the Busch-Reisinger Museum Collection Endowment. Additional support was provided by the Goethe-Institut Boston and the Dedalus Foundation. Related programming is supported by the Richard L. Menschel Endowment Fund and the M. Victor Leventritt Lecture Series Endowment Fund. Modern and contemporary art programs at the Harvard Art Museums are made possible in part by generous support from the Emily Rauh Pulitzer and Joseph Pulitzer, Jr., Fund for Modern and Contemporary Art.

The Harvard Art Museums are committed to accessibility for all visitors. For anyone requiring accessibility accommodations for our programs, please contact us at at least 48 hours in advance.
