Back on Tour

September 18, 2015
Index Magazine

Back on Tour

(Left to right) Student guides Matthew Barrieau ’16, Jennifer Kim ’17, and Jess Clay ’17 discussing Bernini’s terracottas in the Winter Garden.

The new academic year is under way, and just last Friday, our new cohort of student guides gave their first tours for the fall semester.

Made up of Harvard undergraduates from a broad range of academic disciplines, the student guide program began last year to great success. All guides (about 20) undergo rigorous training—on the collections as well as how to engage visitors in discussions about the works they’re presenting. They then prepare their individual tours, expanding on their own research interests, under the expert guidance of curators, staff, and faculty.

Student guide tours are offered every Tuesday and Friday at 2pm, and every Saturday and Sunday at 3pm, through Tuesday, December 1, 2015. Each tour is 50 minutes long and is free with museums admission.