Baroque Concert Performance
Harvard Art Museums, Adolphus Busch Hall29 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA
This performance of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Cantata BWV 56, Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen, is paired with composer Heinz Holliger’s haunting gloss of the cantata’s closing chorale, “Eisblumen” (Ice-flowers). The program begins with two ballades written by the 14th-century composer and poet Guillaume de Machaut. Each ballade will be performed on wind instruments and will be accompanied by its transcription for three violas by Holliger. We then move to a work for solo bass clarinet and electronics composed by Max Murray, a Harvard Ph.D. candidate in music composition. The ensemble, made up of both professional musicians and students at Harvard University and the New England Conservatory of Music, is directed by Max Murray and features soloists David Tinervia and Madison Greenstone.
Guillaume de Machaut’s Ballade IV (1320–77)
Guillaume de Machaut’s Ballade IV, transcribed for three violas by Heinz Holliger
Guillaume de Machaut’s Ballade XXVI (1320–77)
Guillaume de Machaut’s Ballade XXVI, transcribed for three violas by Heinz Holliger
Max Murray’s Ad Marginem des Versuchs (2015)
Johann Sebastian Bach’s Cantata BWV 56: Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen (1726)
Heinz Holliger’s “Eisblumen” (1985)
This performance will take place in Adolphus Busch Hall.
Free admission. Limited seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis.