Your (New) Top Five

July 17, 2013
John Singer Sargent, The Breakfast Table, 1883–84, Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum.

In July 2012, we let you in on a secret: we’re paying attention to the objects you are looking at on our website. Just as they were then, the results are fascinating. Since we last looked, your tastes have changed (Van Gogh has gone from the bottom slot to the top). Here is an update to the top five most viewed objects in our collections, from May 2009 to May 2013.

1. Vincent van Gogh, Self-Portrait Dedicated to Paul Gauguin, 1888 Viewed 5,114 times

2. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Odalisque with a Slave, 1839–40 Viewed 3,956 times

3. Claude Monet, The Gare Saint-Lazare: Arrival of a Train, 1877 Viewed 3,829 times

4. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, A Mother and Child and Four Studies of Her Right Hand, 1904 Viewed 3,087 times

5. John Singer Sargent, The Breakfast Table, 1883–84 Viewed 2,848 times

We find it curious that three objects are still in the top five (but in different slots). Why do you think these are so popular? What are your top five?