The Index Color Spectrum

October 1, 2013
Index Magazine

The Index Color Spectrum

Index is fresh every day, but not only with a new story, tweet, or pin. Each day Index has a new color.

If you’ve been following us over the past few months, you may have noticed that back in January our title was blue, not the warm orange that is featured today. The hue has been slowly shifting along a 365-day color spectrum: by May the hue had transitioned to green, which then turned to yellow in July, bringing us to the orange of September. By year’s end we’ll cool back down to blue. Each day in the year has its unique hue, marking its specific moment in time. Even our print issues, released in the Spring, Fall, and Summer, find their spot on the spectrum, featuring their publishing date’s hue on the front cover.

This spectrum expresses the passage of time, a concept we’re particularly aware of with the opening of our new facility next fall. Every day our renovation project progresses slowly but surely, as do the colors in Index.

So, if you ever need to know your place in time, just check out the color of Index. Today, it’s red-orange. It must be October.