A Provocation: A Pre-Election Poetry Reading

Special Event
Harvard Art Museums32 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA
This all-star event will feature five of the most activating voices in contemporary American poetry: Anne Waldman (Matriot Acts and Manatee/Humanity), Juliana Spahr (This Connection of Everyone with Lungs and An Army of Lovers), Tyehimba Jess (Olio and leadbelly), Don Mee Choi (Hardly War), and Rodrigo Toscano (Explosion Rocks Springfield).
Each poet will share work that inspires critical and imaginative thinking around ideas that are fundamental to this year’s presidential election and beyond.
Presented by the Woodberry Poetry Room. Cosponsored by the Harvard Art Museums.
Free admission. This event will take place in Menschel Hall. Please enter the museums via the entrance on Broadway.
Complimentary parking available in the Broadway Garage, 7 Felton Street, Cambridge.