2021.186: Two Lawyers
PaintingsPainting of a man facing down towards papers in his hands. The dark and blurry nature of the painting, along with the man’s downturned face, result in obscured facial features, fingers, and clothing. The man’s hair and sideburns appear to be light-grey and cropped. Clothed in a black garment with a white undershirt, the man, especially his left side, blends into the background of the painting. A second figure appears in the shadows on the left side of the composition.
Identification and Creation
- Object Number
- 2021.186
- People
Honoré-Victorin Daumier, French (Marseille, France 1808-1879 Valmondois, France)
- Title
- Two Lawyers
- Other Titles
Original Language Title: Deux Avocats
Former Title: Zwei Advocaten - Classification
- Paintings
- Work Type
- painting
- Date
- c. 1865
- Culture
- French
- Persistent Link
- https://hvrd.art/o/370183
Physical Descriptions
- Medium
- Oil on panel
- Dimensions
33 × 41.4 cm (13 × 16 5/16 in.)
frame: 51.5 × 60.5 cm (20 1/4 × 23 13/16 in.) - Inscriptions and Marks
- label: verso, bottom left: [printed:] Marlborough Marlborough Fine Art (London) Ltd. 39 Old Bond Street, London W1 Tel: 01-629 5161 / Artist [typewritten:] DAUMIER, HONORE (1808-1879) [printed:] Photo / Title [typewritten:] Deux Avocats / [printed:] Medium [typewritten:] oil on panel [printed:] Date / Size [typewritten:] 13 x 16 1/8 [printed:] inches [typewritten:] 33 x 41 [printed:] cm No. [typewritten:] XLOS 3186
- label: verso, lower left of panel: [printed:] [cut off] se Kunstausstellung Dresden 1904. / Nr. [blue crayon:] 573 / [printed:] [cut off] des Absenders: Wohung:
- label: verso, upper right of panel, black ink: H. Daumier, "Deux avocats" / Coll. A. Vollard / Exh. 1901 - No. 96 / Bib: Klossowoski 1823, Kat. no 127 / Ryn [? H [?] 74. / Fuchs 1839, Kat. No. 24 a.
- label: verso, right center of panel: [printed:] KUNSTMUSEUM WINTERTHUR / AUSSTELLUNG "EUROPÄISCHE MEISTER" / JUNI/JULI 1955 KAT. NR. [blue ink:] 61
- label: verso, lower right of panel: [printed:] EXPOSITION "DE GÉRICAULT A MATISSE" / Paris Petit Palais 1859 No [typewritten:] 39 / [printed:] Titre [typewritten:] Daumier / Deux avocats
- inscription: verso, lower right of panel, blue crayon: [under labels, mostly illegible, possibly:] 1718?
- label: verso, top of frame: [printed:] STOCK NO ARTIST PHOTO NO. / [typewritten:] NOS 8036 DAUMIER, HONORE (1808-1879) / [printed:] TITLE DATE / [typewritten:] Deux Avocats / [printed:] MEDIUM SIZE / [typewritten:] Oil on panel 13 x 16 1/8" (33 x 41 cms) / [graphite:] Moson I [sic] 174 pl 118 [sticker, overlayed:] A3 / [printed:] Marlborough Marlborough Galleries INc. 41 East 57th STreet New York 10022 Plaza 2-535
- inscription: verso, left side of frame, white chalk: E4074
- label: verso, upper left of panel: [printed:] 7 / SANTINI / BROTHERS / FINE ARTS DIVISION / [black ink:] 4
- label: verso, upper left of frame: [printed:] HONORÉ DAUMIER 1819-1870 / ZWEI ADVOKATEN [red ink:] 32 x 40
label: verso, upper center of panel, two labels over lapping: [top label, torn, mostly illegible:] Vol [illegible]
[bottom label, mostly obscured:] [illegible] KIMBEL / [illegible] & INSURANCE AGENTS / [illegible] Honore / [illegible] PACKING - label: tag, attached to verso: [stamped:] Imp. [handwritten:] DR A. K SOLOMON / [stamped:] Entry # [handwritten:] 485569 / [stamped:] Broker [ink:] PrCo / [stamped:] REF # [handwritten:] 42103HJP / [stamped:] SHERATON REF # [handwritten:] A7520 / [stamped:] Piece # Page
- inscription: HD upper left corner, recto
- Recorded Ownership History
[Ambrose Vollard, Paris, by 1901]. [1] Heirs of Ambrose Vollard. [Otto Wertheimer, Paris], sold; to [Walter Feilchenfeldt, Zurich 1950], [2] sold; to Emil Georg Bührle (1890-1956), Zurich, 1953, by descent; to his heirs, 1956 until at least 1960. [3] [Marlborough Fine Art, London and Switzerland], sold; to Arthur K. Solomon, Cambridge, August 20, 1968; The Arthur K. and Mariot F. Solomon Trust, bequest; to Harvard Art Museums, 2021
[1] In an annotated catalogue of the 1901 "Exposition Daumier," Vollard is listed as the lender of the painting
[2] Lukas Gloor and Sylvie Wuhrmann, "Chefs-d'oeuvre de la collection Bührle: Manet, Cézanne, Monet, Van Gogh...," Lausanne: Foundation del’Hermitage, 2017), p. 179
[3] Ibid
Acquisition and Rights
- Credit Line
- Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Arthur K. and Mariot F. Solomon Collection
- Accession Year
- 2021
- Object Number
- 2021.186
- Division
- European and American Art
- Contact
- am_europeanamerican@harvard.edu
- Permissions
The Harvard Art Museums encourage the use of images found on this website for personal, noncommercial use, including educational and scholarly purposes. To request a higher resolution file of this image, please submit an online request.
Publication History
- Exposition Daumier, exh. cat., Syndicat de la Press Artistique and Palais de l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts (Paris, 1901), p. 24, cat. no. 96
- Erich Klossowski, Honoré Daumier, R. Piper (Munich, Germany, 1908), p. 10, no. 121, repr. as Tafel 44
- Erich Klossowski, Honoré Daumier: mit einhundertvierunddreissig Abbildungen und vier Lichtdrucken, R. Piper & Co Verlag (Munich, 1914)
- Erich Klossowski, Honoré Daumier, R. Piper (Munich, Germany, 1923), p. 97, nr. 121, repr. as Tafel 74
- Fuchs, Der Maler Daumier, Albert Langer Verlag (Munich, Germany, 1930), cat. no. 24a, repr.
- Europäische Meister, 1790-1910, exh. cat., Kunstmuseum Winterthur (Winterthur, 1955), p. 23, cat. no. 61
- Sammlung Emil G. Bührle: Festschrift zu Ehren von Emil G. Bührle zur Eröffnung des Kunsthaus-Neubaus und Katalog der Sammlung Emil G. Bührle, exh. cat., Kunsthaus Zürich (Zurich, 1958), p. 93, cat. no. 127
- De Géricault a Matisse: Chefs-Oeuvre Français des collections Suisses, exh. cat., Petit Palais, Paris (Paris, 1959), cat. no. 39
- Karl E. Maison, Honoré Daumier: Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings, New York Graphic Society, Ltd (New York, NY, 1968), vol. I, p. 149, cat. no I-177, repr. as pl. 118.
- Pierre Georgel and Gabriele Mandel, Tout l'oeuvre peint de Daumier, Flammarion (Paris, France, 1972), no. 235, repr.
- Dieter Noack, The Daumier Register (online, 1999), no. 7177, http://www.daumier-register.org/werkview.php?key=7177, accessed May 6, 2021
- Lukas Gloor and Sylvie Wuhrmann, Chefs-d'oeuvre de la collection Bührle: Manet, Cézanne, Monet, Van Gogh..., exh. cat., Fondation de l'Hermitage (Lausanne, 2017), p. 179
Exhibition History
- Exposition Daumier, Palais de l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 01/01/1901 - 12/31/1901
- Europäische Meister, 1790-1910, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 06/12/1955 - 07/24/1955
- Die Sammlung Emil G. Bührle, Kunsthaus Zürich, 06/07/1958 - 09/01/1958
- De Géricault a Matisse: Chefs-Oeuvre Français des collections Suisses, Petit Palais, Paris, 03/01/1959 - 05/01/1959
- The Solomon Collection: Dürer to Degas and Beyond, Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, 05/24/2025 - 08/17/2025
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Verification Level
This record has been reviewed by the curatorial staff but may be incomplete. Our records are frequently revised and enhanced. For more information please contact the Division of European and American Art at am_europeanamerican@harvard.edu