Chemical Composition: XRF data from Artax 1 and Tracer
Alloy: Bronze
Alloying Elements: copper, tin
Other Elements: lead, iron, arsenic
K. Eremin, January 2014
Technical Observations: The surface is bright metal with areas of black, red, and small spots of green. Some pitting and small dents are present, especially near the center of the bottom, and the corrosion appears deep in some of these areas. The interior bears fine modern abrasive scratches from cleaning. Two cracks, one 3 mm and the other 5 cm, under the area of the inscription are filled with corrosion products and appear to pre-date burial. A 1-cm area of tinted resin near the center is probably a modern repair of a hole. The inscription has been cleaned with a hard point, but the corrosion in the lines is like the dark patina elsewhere, and it does not appear to be a modern addition.
The irregular thickness would seem to indicate the bowl was raised by hammering, but the dendritic structure of the metal that is visible at many areas of the interior points to casting. It is possible that the cast bowl was hammered to finish the surfaces. The lines of the inscription are worn but appear to have been hammered into the surface using a tool with an elongated front edge.
Henry Lie (submitted 2012)