Chemical Composition: Main
XRF data from Artax 1
Alloy: Leaded Brass
Alloying Elements: copper, lead, zinc
Other Elements: tin, iron, silver
XRF data from Tracer
Alloy: Leaded Brass
Alloying Elements: copper, lead, zinc
Other Elements: tin, iron, silver, antimony
Comments: The antimony detected here is due to the Tracer's greater sensitivity for antimony than the Artax.
XRF data from Artax 1 and Tracer
Alloy: Silver
Alloying Elements: silver
Other Elements: copper, lead, gold
K. Eremin, January 2014
Technical Observations: The surface is generally dark brown with areas of dark green corrosion, most of which was probably removed during post-excavation cleaning. One rivet has partially survived. Its upper surface is black, with cuprite-like material below, but its bottom end is missing. The other rivet is lost, and the rivet hole is damaged.
The body of this strap end was cast in one piece, and its details were probably partially modeled before casting. The recesses were roughened up to create more surface area and facilitate the adherence of the inlay materials. The inlays are incomplete, and their original pattern is difficult to decipher. Two larger areas of silver inlay preserve detailed punchwork and incisions. A black material makes up the background field of these figures. XRF analysis indicates this material contains silver; it is either niello or tarnished metal. A small spot of this dark material appears to be stuck between the ears of the animal head on the terminal. This area, the pelta form area near the bifurcation, and possibly the areas between them could all have been inlayed.
Francesca G. Bewer (submitted 2012)