Chemical Composition: XRF data from Tracer
Alloy: Leaded Bronze
Alloying Elements: copper, tin, lead
Other Elements: iron
K. Eremin, January 2014
Technical Observations: The patina is black with areas of green and red. Light brown burial accretions are present over approximately half of the surface. A 4-cm crack is present on the front edge near one corner; two small losses at this crack completely penetrate the shovel. A 2-cm crack is present on the front edge near the middle. Other irregularities on the edges appear to be casting flaws.
The wax model for the shovel was made by working directly to construct the components from a sheet (c. 2 mm thick) and other bits of wax. It is possible that the spade section was made by pressing a wax sheet into a rectangular form and then refining the edges with incised lines. The handle was made by cutting a tube of wax in two longitudinally. The column-capital shape and other embellishments were fashioned directly in wax and pressed in place. Three small rods of wax were added on the reverse of the handle to provide structural reinforcement. At least three incised concentric circles decorate the top surface of the spade section. One or two more may be hidden by burial accretions. In each case, a central point impression is surrounded by a 4-mm and a 10-mm incised circle. The circles are not all complete, and the condition of the shovel makes it difficult to determine whether the lines where made with a stamp or a compass. They were probably made in the wax model.
Henry Lie (submitted 2011)