Chemical Composition: XRF data from Tracer
Alloy: Bronze
Alloying Elements: copper, tin
Other Elements: iron
K. Eremin, January 2014
Technical Observations: The patina is green with some blue corrosion products, which are raised warts in many areas. Deep layers of red oxide are exposed at areas of loss. Brown burial accretions remain in the crevices. Approximately half of the helmet is heavily mineralized, which has resulted in losses to the decorative band at the bottom. A modern, synthetic resin fill material is present on the decorative band and in the crevices of the lower section of the helmet. A 4-cm band of modern reinforcing fill material has been applied to the interior of the dome along the entire front to back ridge plane. This was added to strengthen an irregular crack along this line that is visible in the x-radiograph.
X-radiography reveals rounded and elongated hammer marks from the raising process used to form the dome. The main portion of the helmet is formed from a single piece of metal with no joins. The x-radiographs and examination of the brim of the helmet under magnification reveal that the raising process continued out to the brim, which turns downwards at 90 degrees to form the incised decorative band (1.4 cm high). The lower edge of this band is slightly thicker, probably for structural reasons. A separate flange of copper alloy is inserted upward into the brim; it appears to be held in place by its tight fit. The flange is c. 2 mm thick and bends down at the inner edge where it has about 24 perforations (1.5 mm in diameter), which were probably used to affix a cloth or leather liner.
The incised decoration of the band at the brim is obscured by corrosion in most locations, but in a few areas, a simple row of dentals can be seen at the top and bottom edges. Between these, incised lines create five fine bands, which vary slightly in width.
Henry Lie (submitted 2011)