"...from the Machineroom (Joseph Beuys)(Published by Edition René Block) , 1996.53,” Harvard Art Museums collections online, Jan 06, 2025,
The glass jar has a lid held in place by two loops of wire and a strip of metal. The jar is partially filled with separated fat. The bottom layer is light brown, it has a thin layer of clear, dark brown liquid on top and patches of fat on the sides. The metal can has a brown paper label with black type. It reads Joseph Beuys, . . . aus dem Maschinenraum; Fett und Honig aus dem Environment “Honigpumpe” document 77. In a square box the text reads Edition Nr. 44, 12 Exemplare (Gas mit Fett und Büchse mit Honig), at the bottom the text reads Edition René Block, Berlin 1978.