Chemical Composition: XRF data from Artax 1
Alloy: Mixed Copper Alloy
Alloying Elements: copper, tin, lead, zinc
Other Elements: iron, nickel, arsenic
K. Eremin, January 2014
Technical Observations: The patina is green with small areas of underlying red. Brown burial accretions are also present. Some of the thick corrosion layer has chipped off, while other areas are well preserved. Scrape marks are visible in many areas from cleaning the surface.
The wax model was probably formed directly in wax, as the various shapes are somewhat irregular. The four circular decorations could have been made by cold working on the metal, but their full 1-mm depth points more toward having been pressed in the wax. The hollow shapes at the interior show scoop marks from the tool used to remove wax to create the hollow.
Henry Lie (submitted 2012)