Published Catalogue Text: Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Bronzes at the Harvard Art Museums
This solid-cast circular stamp is intact; its surface is incised with a guilloche pattern around nearly half of the periphery, with five separate spiral motifs occupying slightly over half of the field. These enclose an incised oval with six crescent-shaped incisions within it surrounding a larger hook-shaped incision, somewhat like a question mark. The vertical edge of the base (0.7 cm thick) is unadorned. The handle at the base of the seal (1.45 cm wide) consists of a stem divided into six flat facets that rise to a thin convex molding on which the handle rests. The top of the handle consists of two symmetrical, biconical shapes extending outward from a central raised band marked by three parallel incisions and ending with a single pointed form at either end; the top of the handle is perforated by a hole measuring 0.3 cm.
This type of stamp seal, sometimes called a “hammer head” seal, is characteristic of the early part of the Hittite Empire and the phases immediately preceding it, extending back to the Assyrian colony period (1).
1. For close parallels to this stamp, see M. Poetto and S. Salvatori, La collezione anatolica di E. Borowski, Studia Mediterranea 3 (Pavia, 1981) 40 and 137-38, nos. 35 and 39-41, pls. 14 and 35 (the design of no. 35 is very close to the Harvard stamp seal, with spirals and two guilloche knots around a central curvilinear figure). For general parallels for the design, see H. G. Güterbock, Siegel aus Boğazköy 2: Die Königssiegel von 1939 und die übrigen Hieroglyphensiegel (Berlin, 1942) 75, nos. 184-91 and 194-99 (nos. 194-95 are especially close to Harvard’s); and H. H. von der Osten, Altorientalische Siegelsteine der Sammlung Hans Silvius von Aulock (Uppsala, 1957) 44-50 and 139-40. For seals and impressions with spirals enclosing a central motif, see T. Beran, Die hethitische Glyptik von Boğazköy: Die Siegel und Siegelabdrücke der Vor- und althethitischen Perioden und die Siegel der hethitischen Grosskönige, Boğazköy-Hattusa 5.1, (Berlin, 1967) 26-27 (Beran’s Group XXI) and 59-61 (general discussion), nos. 87-102, pl. 2 (drawing). See also numerous examples in S. Alp, Zylinder- und Stempelsiegel aus Karahöyük bei Konya (Ankara, 1968) nos. 113, 137, 146-55, 158-59, 163-77, 195-200, 220-22, 245, 250, 258, 285-88, 292, 302-303, 306, 315, 319-20, 330-34, 350, 360, 364, 368-70, 372, 374-77, 379-86, 416, and 428; pls. 49, 56, 60-61, 63-67, 74-75, 82, 88, 90, 94, 101-102, 106, 108-109, 111-12, 117, 119, 121-27, 135, and 139. For the dating of the Karahöyük seals, see ibid., 269-70. A date of around the eighteenth century BCE, given the parallels of the Karahöyük seal impressions with those of Kültepe I, appears to be accurate. Compare a mold for a similar stamp seal in R. Boehmer, Die Kleinfunde von Boğazköy, Boğazköy-Hattusa 7 (Berlin, 1972) 217-18, no. 2230A, pl. 87.
David G. Mitten