Chemical Composition: Fibula
XRF data from Artax 1
Alloy: Leaded Bronze
Alloying Elements: copper, tin, lead
Other Elements: iron, silver
XRF data from Artax 1
Alloy: Mixed Copper Alloy
Alloying Elements: copper, tin, zinc
Other Elements: lead, iron
K. Eremin, January 2014
Technical Observations: The fibula has a very smooth, heavily mineralized, olive green surface with numerous losses that expose a lighter surface.
The fibula was cast in one piece, except for the pin and the fine metal rod to which it is hinged. The latter was probably inserted into the hollow crossbar through an opening at one end. The pin would have been hinged onto the rod at opening cut into the center of the cross bar as the rod was pushed through. The rounded end of the long, flat catchplate was formed by hammering. The body of the fibula and its decorative elements were created in the wax and then refined in the metal through filing. Because of the pin is heavily corroded, it is not clear how it was made, although the elongated structure of the copper alloy corrosion suggests that it was formed like other pins by hammering together a long flat sheet of metal.
Francesca G. Bewer (submitted 2012)