Chemical Composition: XRF data from Artax 1
Alloy: Bronze
Alloying Elements: copper, tin
Other Elements: lead
K. Eremin, January 2014
Technical Observations: The patina is a very even, well-preserved layer of green. Some brown accretions are present. Although slightly etched, the entire surface is uniformly well preserved. The pin is a metal replacement that was painted green.
The bow section was cast. It is not obvious if the wax model was cast in a mold or fashioned directly. The catchplate and sleeved hinge show abrasive cold work in their finishing, and the plate was bent into its curved shape. The two nodules on one side of the catchplate have underlying pins that pass through and are peened flat on the other side of the plate. The original pin would probably have been flattened at the end inside the sleeved hinge and fixed with a pin. Point and circular punch marks adorn both the catchplate and the hinge
Henry Lie (submitted 2012)