Chemical Composition: XRF data from Artax 2
Alloy: Mixed copper alloy
Alloying Elements: copper, tin, zinc
Other Elements: lead, iron, nickel, silver, antimony, arsenic
K. Eremin, June 2015
Chemical Composition:
ICP-OES data from sample, Mixed Copper Alloy:
Cu, 85.54; Sn, 9.38; Pb, 0.80; Zn, 1.99; Fe, 0.93; Ni, 0.15; Ag, 0.01; Sb, 0.08; As, 0.9; Co, 0.001; Au, not detected; Cd, 0.001
P. Degryse
Chemical Composition:
Lead Isotope Analysis (Pb, 0.76 to 0.80%):
Pb206/Pb204, 18.15995; Pb207/Pb204, 15.62111; Pb208/Pb204, 38.17815; Pb, 207/Pb206, 0.86020; Pb 208/Pb206, 2.10233; Pb208/Pb207, 2.44401
P. Degryse
Chemical Composition: ICP-MS/AAA data from sample, Mixed Copper Alloy:
Cu, 83.96; Sn, 10.36; Pb, 0.76; Zn, 3.51; Fe, 1.01; Ni, 0.09; Ag, 0.05; Sb, 0.08; As, 0.19; Bi, less than 0.025; Co, less than 0.005; Au, less than 0.01; Cd, less than 0.001
J. Riederer
Technical Observations: The figure is cast in one piece together with the amphora and the round flat base using the lost-wax process. Most of its details, such as the fingers and toes, are crudely modeled in a simplified form. The hole in the top of the amphora is tapered and was probably done in the wax, with the opening reworked in the metal. The fine line that runs around it is discontinuous, suggesting that it was inscribed in the metal. The hair was very meticulously delineated in the wax and has probably been reworked; it contrasts with the crudeness of the rest of the figure. The facial features have a carved quality that also seems very fresh in comparison to other parts of the figure. The join of the feet and base was cleaned up in the wax, leaving slightly inscribed lines in the base. A great deal of filing was done over the surface in the metal, which can be seen in the faceted limbs, such as the shins. No tool marks are preserved on the underside of the base.
The statuette is structurally sound. Some porosity breaks through to the surface. A large rectangular lacuna and a slightly smaller hole at the back of the right wrist appear to have been caused by a large vacuole of porosity. These holes contain the remains of a soft white and pink earthen material that could be remnants of molding material but are not core material. The threaded pin of the mount is modern, as is the hole that receives it in the base. The mottled reddish-brown and green patina is not convincing. It is very superficial and seems to lie over the numerous fine file marks, such as those on the base and on the right deltoid of the figure.
Francesca G. Bewer (submitted 2002)