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Identification and Creation

Object Number
Square-Based Bell
Musical Instruments
Work Type
musical instrument
1st century BCE-4th century CE
Creation Place: Ancient & Byzantine World
Roman period
Persistent Link

Physical Descriptions

Leaded bronze
Cast, lost-wax process
6.7 x 4.8 x 4.5 cm (2 5/8 x 1 7/8 x 1 3/4 in.)
Technical Details

Chemical Composition: ICP-MS/AAA data from sample, Leaded Bronze:
Cu, 81.62; Sn, 12.28; Pb, 5.49; Zn, 0.03; Fe, 0.31; Ni, 0.04; Ag, 0.05; Sb, 0.05; As, 0.12; Bi, less than 0.025; Co, 0.007; Au, less than 0.01; Cd, less than 0.001

J. Riederer

Technical Observations: The body appears to be in good condition, but x-radiographs show that it is in fact a porous cast. The lacuna at the handle may therefore be due to a combination of porosity and wear. These flaws do not seem to have affected the sound of the bell, which rings true. Wear near the center of the rim on each side could be due to abrasion from the clapper. The patina is brown and mottled light and dark green.

The relatively even-walled bell was cast in one piece with its handle by the lost-wax process, preserving the soft-edged shape and drip-like formation of the original wax model. Except for a few short, straight impressions made in the metal at the base of the handle, there are no tool marks. Across the top of the bell, a groove was made, after casting, by a file with circular profile, and a hole was fashioned in its center. In this hole are the remains of what is probably a replacement wire for the clapper. A wire loop on the interior, which was cast together with the bell, was the usual method of attaching the iron clapper (as evident also in the similar bell 1932.56.17). On this bell, the iron wire breaks through the worn surface of the bronze handle on one side; the wire is still magnetic. X-radiographs show that the handles in such bells are less dense in their centers where the now-rusted wire was embedded. After these original wires had worn through, alternative means of attachment were used. The worn handle confirms a long use.

Francesca G. Bewer


Recorded Ownership History
Miss Elizabeth Gaskell Norton, Boston, MA and Miss Margaret Norton, Cambridge, MA (by 1920), gift; to the Fogg Art Museum, 1920.

Note: The Misses Norton were daughters of Charles Elliot Norton (1827-1908).

Acquisition and Rights

Credit Line
Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Gift of the Misses Norton
Accession Year
Object Number
Asian and Mediterranean Art

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Published Catalogue Text: Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Bronzes at the Harvard Art Museums
The bell’s four sides expand upwards from the almost square base into a wide dome from which rises a loop-handle. A hole at the top preserves the remains of a wire for holding the now-lost clapper, but this is probably a later repair, since remains of an original loop for the clapper are also preserved on the interior of the bell. The base is curved, so that the bell, in effect, stands on its four corners. The handle, which now has its top broken off, had an angular exterior outline, similar to that of 1932.56.17.

Square-based bells, usually with an angular loop-handle, were common over a long period of time and in many variations throughout the Roman Empire, probably going back to the Hellenistic period (1).

Bells (Greek: kodon; Latin: tintinnabulum) have been used by many cultures since antiquity, including in the first millennium BCE Near East and the Greek and Roman world (2). Usually made of cast copper alloy with an iron clapper, there are also examples in silver and gold (Persian, Greek, Roman, and Egyptian), iron (Roman), terracotta (Greek, Babylonian, and Egyptian), or faience (Egyptian); the latter was probably mostly symbolic rather than functional. For modern copper alloy bells, a ratio of c. 78% copper and 22% tin is considered ideal, but ancient bells usually contain less tin and more lead (3). Ancient bells functioned as signal instruments, but their sound could also have symbolic meaning. Roman bells are attested as announcing the opening of markets and baths and the spraying of streets with water; they awakened and summoned slaves, were worn by horses and other animals, functioned as apotropaic and fertility-related amulets, and played a role in Dionysiac cults especially (4).


1. For square-based bells with “drawn-out” corners, see W. Nowakowski, “Metallglocken aus der römischen Kaiserzeit im europäischen Barbarikum,” Archaeologia Polona 27 (1988): 69-146, esp. 77-78 and 83-86; compare also, for example, V. Galliazzo, Bronzi romani del Museo civico di Treviso (Rome, 1979) 156-57, nos. 2-5; J. Bonnet, P. Velay, and P. Forni, Les bronzes antiques de Paris, Collections du Musée Carnavalet (Paris, 1989) 122, no. 62; H. Menzel, Römische Bronzen aus Deutschland 2: Trier (Mainz, 1966) 84, no. 202, pl. 63; and G. Zampieri and B. Lavarone, eds., Bronzi antichi del Museo Archaeologico di Padova, exh. cat., Museo Archeologico Padova (Rome, 2000) 195, no. 380d.

2. On the history of ancient bells and their uses, see A. Villing, “For Whom Did the Bell Toll in Ancient Greece? Archaic and Classical Greek Bells at Sparta and Beyond,” Annual of the British School at Athens 97 (2002): 223-95; M. Trumpf-Lyritzaki, “Glocke,” Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum 11 (Stuttgart, 1981) 164-96; N. Spear, jr., A Treasury of Archaeological Bells (New York, 1978); M. Schatkin, “Idiophones of the Ancient World,” Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 21 (1978): 147-72; and P. Calmeyer, “Glocke,” Reallexikon der Assyriologie 3 (Berlin, 1969) 427-31.

3. For comparative analyses, see H. Drescher, “Rekonstruktionen und Versuche zu frühen Zimbeln und kleinen antiken Glocken,” Saalburg-Jahrbuch 49 (1998): 155-70; K. Bakay, Scythian Rattles in the Carpathian Basin and their Eastern Connections (Budapest, 1971) 93-96; and J. Riederer, “Die Bedeutung der Metallanalyse für die Archäologie,” in Antidoron: Festschrift für Jürgen Thimme (Karlsruhe, 1983) 159-64, esp. 160.

4. See references supra 2, as well as A. Villing, “Glocke,” Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum 5 (Los Angeles, 2005) 379-81; A. R. Furger and C. Schneider, “Die Bronzeglocke aus der Exedra des Tempelareals Sichelen 1,” Jahresberichte aus Augst und Kaiseraugst 14 (1993): 159-72, esp. 166-71; Nowakowski 1988 (supra 1) 82-83 and 133-34; and Galliazzo 1979 (supra 1) 156-58.

Alexandra C. Villing

Subjects and Contexts

  • Ancient Bronzes

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