Chemical Composition: XRF data from Tracer
Alloy: Bronze
Alloying Elements: copper, tin
Other Elements: lead, iron
K. Eremin, January 2014
Technical Observations: The patina is predominantly green with spots of red cuprite. The thin bronze fragment is almost entirely corroded. Several structural cracks are present. A few areas of corroded lead reinforcement remain on the reverse. Tool marks on the obverse surfaces appear to be modern. Modern synthetic and glass fiber reinforcement, part of a previous conservation treatment, unfortunately obscures most of the reverse surfaces.
The metal appears to have been heavily worked by hammering, specifically repoussé and chasing. Cracks in the metal may be a result of the stress due to heavy working combined with expansion of corrosion from the lead backing. The small bronze rod protruding from the seated figure’s proper left hand was probably made separately and is now held in place by corrosion products that unfortunately obscure any evidence of how it was originally attached.
Carol Snow (submitted 2002)