Chemical Composition: EMP analysis from sample, Bronze:
Cu, 92.18; Sn, 6.57; Pb, 0.04; Zn, 0.00; Fe, 0.03; Ni, 0.04; Ag, 0.02; Sb, 0.01; As, 0.12
T. Richardson, June 1999
Chemical Composition: ICP-MS/AAA data from sample, Bronze:
Cu, 92.01; Sn, 7.42; Pb, 0.14; Zn, 0.03; Fe, 0.05; Ni, 0.05; Ag, 0.04; Sb, less than 0.05; As, 0.25; Bi, less than 0.025; Co, 0.019; Au, less than 0.01; Cd, less than 0.001
J. Riederer
Chemical Composition: XRF data from Tracer
Alloy: Bronze
Alloying Elements: copper, tin
Other Elements: lead, iron, silver, arsenic
K. Eremin, January 2014
Technical Observations: The patina is dark green with red visible in chipped areas. Casting flaws are visible, especially in the head and neck. There are horizontal striations on the shaft, and there is a vertical crack 1.5 cm from the tip. The duck has a crooked bill, which was probably already that way in the wax model.
The duck-headed pins are lost-wax casts; casting flaws are visible in some areas. On 167.1972, a raised seam surrounds the duck’s body. The seam is uneven and not always straight, suggesting that it is not the result of casting the bronze in a two-part mold but instead that the wax model was mold-made. The linear decoration on the shafts was incised in the wax model.
Tracy Richardson (submitted 1999)