"Hanabito of the Ōgiya, with kamuro Momiji and Sakura from the series New Year Fashions as Fresh as Young Leaves (Wakana hatsu ishō) (Chōbunsai Eishi 鳥文斎栄之) , 1933.4.462,” Harvard Art Museums collections online, Dec 22, 2024,
Reuse via IIIF
The woman holds up the fabric featuring dramatic green dragons with pink and purple swirl patterns, her delicate other hand points to it with a stick while she looks to the left, the fabric flows to the left. She’s wearing a coral-colored kimono with a dotted green obi sash. Her hair is long and black with six hair ornament sticks radiating at the top of her head. In the background, there’s a short, yellow, club-footed, open stove with coals and a tea pot on it. Japanese text along the right edge and on left.