Catalogue entry no. 503 by Max Loehr:
503 Openwork Plaque of Intertwined Animals and Birds
Pale green and whitish, translucent jade plaque consisting of symmetrically arranged, vaguely zoomorphous scrolls in openwork. The center is occupied by a small head of crescent-shaped outline; from it issues two bands ending in volutes at the top. The sinuous bodies of two dragons, whose heads, with their long, curled upper lips, appear at the sides, touch the central head from below; their tails, crossing over the bodies, form two loops and end in bird’s claws. Two S -shaped, bird-headed creatures are placed at the upper corners. The scrolls are textured by copiously but unobtrusively applied incised curls, minute cross-hatchings, scales, and striations. Both sides are identical. Late Easter Chou.