Catalogue entry no. 77 by Max Loehr:
77 Jade Dagger-Axe in a Bronze Haft with Curved Butt
The blade, which has been broken, is fashioned of a bone-colored and mottled light brown jade with a green area adjoining the bronze socket. The blade lacks a median crest; its marginal bevels, which continue to the point, are ill-defined. The socket is shield-shaped as in No. 76; it is decorated with a t’ao-t’ieh mask composed of densely placed lines in low relief, a pattern unfit for any inlay. A fragment of fine-textured cloth, now mineralized, obscures part of the design on the right face of the socket. The butt, unlike those of the preceding types, curves downward; its décor consists of a “dragon” figure in cloisons such as may have held an inlay of turquoise particles. Shang.