Chemical Composition: XRF data from Artax 1
Alloy: Brass
Alloying Elements: copper, zinc
Other Elements: lead, iron
K. Eremin, January 2014
Technical Observations: The patina is varied with shades of green, brown, grayish black, and spots of red. The surface detail of the terminals has been mostly obliterated by corrosion.
The bracelet appears to have been made from three pieces. The bulk of the bracelet consists of a hollow tube made of hammered sheet metal, which has a straight seam along the length of the inner surface. To this were attached two cast lion-head finials. The object is in fragmentary condition and seems to be missing some material from the area between the two remaining pieces. The edges of the sheet metal are also very ragged due to corrosion. The hollow of the larger piece is partially empty and partially filled with sandy earthen material, probably burial accretions. The area closest to the break is filled with a dark, reddish-brown, crystalline, resinous material. The same material also fills the hollow of the smaller fragment as well as the join between the head and the tube of the larger fragment, suggesting that this was the original fill material, similar to the rosin traditionally used in hollow silver flatware to give it weight.
Francesca G. Bewer (submitted 2012)