Chemical Composition: XRF data from Artax 1
Alloy: Mixed Copper Alloy
Alloying Elements: copper, tin, lead, zinc
Other Elements: iron
K. Eremin, January 2014
Technical Observations: The surface color is predominantly grayish black but is also metallic gray, tan, green, cupritic red, brown, and black. Rusty-looking burial remains are caught in the hinge loop and suggest that the now-missing pin may have been made of iron.
The body of the disc, the hinge loop, and catchplate were joined in the wax and cast in one piece, probably using the lost-wax process. The catchplate looks as though it was also a loop that was cut open on one side. It is difficult to ascertain exactly how the design on the front was fashioned, as much of the surface is concealed by a variety of materials, especially in the recessed areas. These consist of burial accretions and possibly the remains of deteriorated inlay material; a fine layer of the obscuring materials also covers much of the back. The recessed areas do appear to be somewhat textured, as if to provide a better grip for inlay or overlay materials. At least part of the surface would have been finished in the metal.
Francesca G. Bewer (submitted 2012)