A drawing of a five figures in an interior.
Photo © President and Fellows of Harvard College
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Photo © President and Fellows of Harvard College

The drawing in graphite and white chalk on tracing paper depicts five figures posting for a portrait in an interior. The room is furnished with a piano and three chairs, with an open doorway on the far left. At the center of the page is a woman standing in a long dress, facing right, her gaze directed at the viewer. Her right hand holds a cloth or flower, and her left hand rests on the keys of the piano. To her right is a man seated in a wooden armchair. He wears a double-breasted jacket and looks at the woman center-page. To the left of the woman center-page is a seated woman in a long dress and brimmed hat, with a dog at her feet. Her hands are folded in her lap, and her gaze is directed at the viewer. To her left is a seated man in an open jacket with legs crossed, looking at the woman center-page. On the far left of the page in the open doorway is a standing woman in a long dress and bonnet, looking at the viewer.

Identification and Creation

Object Number
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, French (Montauban 1780 - 1867 Paris)
Portrait of the Forestier Family
Work Type
c. 1828
Persistent Link

Physical Descriptions

Graphite with white chalk accents on tracing paper, backed
actual: 30 x 37.2 cm (11 13/16 x 14 5/8 in.)


Recorded Ownership History
*Presumably Mme Delphine Ingres, née Ramel, the artist's widow; sold by M.M...., Hôtel Drouot, Paris, February 18, 1884, no. 29 (Fr 8,000); Fernand Guille, nephew of the artist; purchased from him by Edgar Degas, December 28, 1896 (Fr 5,000); his sale, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, March 26-27, 1918, no. 208 (Fr 18,100); purchased at that sale by Bernheim Jeune, Paris; Scott and Fowles, New York; acquired from them by Grenville L. Winthrop, January 1922 ($4,500); his bequest to the Fogg Art Museum, 1943.

*Earlier scholars, e.g., Lapauze (1910, p. 112, n.1), who believed that the present sheet was executed as an early copy of the original version in the Louvre, cited the artist's father, Jean-Marie-Joseph Ingres (1755-1814), as it's first owner.

Acquisition and Rights

Credit Line
Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop
Accession Year
Object Number
European and American Art


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Publication History

  • Albert Magimel, Oeuvres de J. A. Ingres, gravées au trait sur acier par A. Réveil, 1800-1851, Ambroise Firmin Didot (Paris, France, 1851), pl. 5
  • Théophile Silvestre, Histoire des artistes vivants français et étrangers, études d'après nature (Paris, 1856), pp. 6-7 (possibly referring to Louvre version)
  • Charles Blanc, Ingres, sa vie et ses ouvrages, Vve. J. Renouard (Paris, France, 1870), pg. 8
  • Henri, Vicomte Delaborde, Ingres, sa vie, ses travaux, sa doctrine, d'apres les notices manuscrites et les lettres du maitre, H. Plon (Paris, France, 1870), p. 297, under no. 301
  • Henry Lapauze, Les dessins de J.-A.-D. Ingres du Musée de Montauban, J. E. Bulloz (Paris, France, 1901), pg. 92, n. 1
  • Henry Lapauze, Les portraits dessinés de J.-A._D. Ingres, J. E. Bulloz (Paris, 1903), pg. 48, under no. 20
  • Henry Lapauze, Le roman d'amour de M. Ingres, P. Lafitte & Cie (Paris, 1910), p. 112, n. 1
  • Henry Lapauze, Ingres, sa vie & son oeuvre, G. Petit (Paris, France, 1911), pg. 60
  • Henry Lapauze, "Les Faux Ingres", La renaissance de l'art français et des industries de luxe (November 1918), 1, pg. 350
  • Charles Martine, Ingres: Soixante-cinq reproductions de Léon Marotte avec un catalogue par Charles Martine, Helleu et Sergent (Paris, 1926), under no. 14
  • Agnes Mongan, "Drawings by Ingres in the Winthrop Collection", Gazette des Beaux-Arts (July-December 1944), ser. 6, 26, pp. 388-91, fig. 1
  • Otto Benesch, "The Winthrop Collection: From Neo-Classic to Romanticism; David, Ingres, Géricault", Art News (January 1-14, 1944), vol. 42, no. 16, pp. 9-10, 20-21, 32, p. 32
  • Agnes Mongan, Ingres: 24 Drawings, Pantheon Books (New York, 1947), no. 1, repro.
  • Jean Alazard, Ingres et l'Ingrisme, Michel (Paris, France, 1950), pg. 144, n. 19
  • Dessins d'Ingres du Musée de Montauban, exh. cat., Musée Ingres (Montauban, France, 1951), under no. 9
  • A Loan Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings from the Ingres Museum at Montauban, exh. cat., Knoedler Galleries (New York, NY, 1952), intro. (unpaginated), under no. 20
  • Daniel Ternois and Paul Mesplé, Ingres et ses maîtres: De Roques à David, exh. cat., Musée des Augustins (Toulouse, 1955), under no. 103
  • Daniel Ternois, Les dessins d'Ingres au Musée de Montauban: les portraits, Les Presses Artistique (Paris, France, 1959), above no. 54
  • Martin Birnbaum, The Last Romantic (New York, NY, 1960), pp. 188-89
  • Jean Sutherland Boggs, Portraits by Degas, University of California Press (Berkeley, CA, 1962), pp. 13, 88 n. 71
  • Ingres, exh. cat., Réunion des Musées Nationaux (Paris, France, 1967), pg. 36, under no. 19
  • Ingres et son Temps: Exposition organisé pour le centenaire de la mort d'Ingres, exh. cat., Ministere des affaires culturelles/Reunion des Musées Nationaux (Montauban, France, 1967), pg. 43, under no. 17
  • Ingres: Centennial Exhibition, 1867-1967. Drawings, Watercolors and Oil Sketches from American Collections, exh. cat., Fogg Art Museum (Cambridge, MA, 1967), no. 5, p. 247, repr.
  • Madeleine Delpierre, "Ingres et la mode de son temps", Actes du colloque international: Ingres et le Néo-Classicisme, Montauban, octobre 1975 (Montauban, France, 1977), pg. 154
  • Hans Naef, Die Bildniszeichnungen von J.-A.-D. Ingres (Bern, Switzerland, 1978), vol. 1, pp. 124-43, fig. 3, vol. 4., pp. 66-67, no. 35, repro.
  • Ingres: Drawings from the Musée Ingres at Montauban and Other Collections, exh. cat., Victoria and Albert Museum (London, England, 1979), pg. 19, under no. 18
  • Daniel Ternois, Ingres, Editions Nathan (Paris, France, 1980), pg. 27
  • Ingres et Delacroix: Dessins et aquarelles, exh. cat., Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon (Ghent, 1986), pp. 25, 26, fig. 2, 30
  • Uwe Fleckner, Abbild und Abstraktion: die Kunst des Porträts im Werk von J.-A.-D. Ingres, Verlag Philipp von Zabern (Mainz, Germany, 1995), p. 145, fig. 54
  • Georges Vigne, Dessins d'Ingres: Catalogue raisonné des dessins du musée de Montauban, Gallimard/Reunion des Musées Nationaux (Paris, France, 1995), pg. 474, above no. 2653
  • Agnes Mongan, David to Corot: French Drawings in the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA, 1996), cat. no. 235, repr.
  • Ann Dumas, Degas as a Collector, Apollo Magazine in assoc. with National Gallery Publications (London, England, 1996), p. 24; repr. fig. 23
  • Ann Dumas and Colta Ives, The Private Collection of Edgar Degas, exh. cat., Metropolitan Museum of Art / Harry N. Abrams, Inc. (New York, NY, 1997), vol. 1, pp. 26, 29 (fig. 29), 136, fig. 170, detail, 144; vol. 2, pg. 75, no. 662 repro.
  • Colta Ives, The Private Collection of Edgar Degas: A Summary Catalogue, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, NY, 1997), no. 662, repr.
  • Gary Tinterow and Philip Conisbee, Portraits by Ingres: Image of an Epoch, exh. cat., The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, NY, 1999), pp. 75, 94; repr. fig. 76
  • Vincent Pomarède, "La Collection Winthrop: A la recherche de la beauté pure", L'Estampille/L'Objet d'art (April 2003), no. 379, pp. 34-45, p. 43
  • Stephan Wolohojian, ed., A Private Passion: 19th-Century Paintings and Drawings from the Grenville L. Winthrop Collection, Harvard University, exh. cat., The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Yale University Press (U.S.) (New York, 2003), cat. no. 64, repr. (color), p. 26
  • Stephan Wolohojian, Ingres, Burne-Jones, Whistler, Renoir... La Collection Grenville L. Winthrop, exh. cat., Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon and Réunion des Musées Nationaux (Paris, France, 2003), no. 64, repr.
  • Louis-Antoine Prat, Ingres, exh. cat., Musée du Louvre/5 Continents (Paris, 2004), p. 77, under cat. no. 4
  • Louis-Antoine Prat, Le dessin français au XIXe siècle, Somogy Éditions d'Art (Paris, 2011), p. 156
  • Tableaux Français Du XVIIe au XIXe Siècle, auct. cat. (Paris, France, 2011), p. 48 (n. 4)

Exhibition History

  • Chinese sculpture, bronzes, jades, paintings and drawings, Egyptian and Persian sculpture, Pre-Columbian art : selected from the collection of Grenville Lindall Winthrop, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 10/01/1943 - 02/28/1944
  • Ingres and Degas: Two Classical Draughtsmen, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 04/24/1961 - 05/20/1961
  • Ingres Centennial Exhibition, 1867-1967, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 02/12/1967 - 04/09/1967
  • Works by J.-A.-D. Ingres in the Collection of the Fogg Art Museum, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 10/17/1980 - 12/07/1980
  • A Private Passion: 19th-Century Paintings and Drawings from the Grenville L. Winthrop Collection, Harvard University, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, Lyon, 03/15/2003 - 05/26/2003; National Gallery, London, 06/25/2003 - 09/14/2003; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 10/23/2003 - 01/25/2004

Verification Level

This record has been reviewed by the curatorial staff but may be incomplete. Our records are frequently revised and enhanced. For more information please contact the Division of European and American Art at am_europeanamerican@harvard.edu