1943.247: The Golden Age
PaintingsA large crowd of light-skinned male and female figures is gathered in a grassy clearing. Most figures are adults, but some are children. Every figure is nude with the exception of four women in dresses and one robed man. The figures sit and stand among fruit trees and flower bushes. Some figures wear flower crowns, eat fruit, or play instruments. Two winged figures fly on either side of the scene. The figures are surrounded by trees, and tall cliffs are in the background. This painted scene is arch-shaped. The panel outside the scene is a mottled golden color.
Gallery Text
This is a reduced version, with some variations, of one of two large mural paintings that Ingres completed for the Duc de Luynes’s castle in Dampierre between 1843 and 1847. Depicting the Golden Age, it refers to the mythical past described by ancient poets as the utopian existence humans first enjoyed after being created by the gods. Ingres outlined the iconography of his composition in a letter: “A heap of beautiful sloths! . . . The men of this generation knew nothing of old age. They lived for a long time and [were] always beautiful. . . . All this in a very varied nature, à la Raphael.” Ingres further invoked Raphael through some of the figures’ poses, in the arched shape of his picture, and by painting the mural on plaster, thereby inviting the comparison between his own work and Raphael’s famous frescoed murals in the papal apartments of the Vatican.
Identification and Creation
- Object Number
- 1943.247
- People
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, French (Montauban 1780 - 1867 Paris)
- Title
- The Golden Age
- Other Titles
- Alternate Title: Château de Dampierre
- Classification
- Paintings
- Work Type
- painting
- Date
- 1862
- Culture
- French
- Persistent Link
- https://hvrd.art/o/230108
- Location
Level 2, Room 2200, European and American Art, 17th–19th century, The Emergence of Romanticism in Early Nineteenth-Century France
Physical Descriptions
- Medium
- Oil on paper mounted on panel
- Dimensions
sight: 46.4 x 61.9 cm (18 1/4 x 24 3/8 in.)
framed: 63.5 x 79 cm (25 x 31 1/8 in.) - Inscriptions and Marks
- Signed: l.l.: J. Ingres, Pint, MDCCCLXII / AETATIS LXXXII
- Recorded Ownership History
- Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, sold [through his sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, April 27, 1867, no 1 (bought in)]; to Mme. Delphine Ingres, née Ramel, the artist's widow, 1867, by descent; to Albert Ramel (her nephew), 1886, by descent; to Mme. Ramel (his widow), by descent; to her heirs, sold; to Grenville Lindall Winthrop [through Martin Birnbaum], 1929, bequest; to Fogg Art Museum, 1943.
Acquisition and Rights
- Credit Line
- Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop
- Accession Year
- 1943
- Object Number
- 1943.247
- Division
- European and American Art
- Contact
- am_europeanamerican@harvard.edu
- Permissions
The Harvard Art Museums encourage the use of images found on this website for personal, noncommercial use, including educational and scholarly purposes. To request a higher resolution file of this image, please submit an online request.
Publication History
- D'Arpentigny, "Exposition intime dans l'atelier de M. Ingres", Le Courrier artistique (June 19, 1864), p. 11
- Philippe Burty, "Six tableaux nouveaux de M. Ingres", La Chronique des Arts et de la Curiosité (1864), vol. II, p. 204
- Léon Lagrange, "Ingres", Le Correspondant (1867), vol. LXXI, p. 75
- "Mouvement des Arts et de la Curiosité. Tableaux et Dessins d'Ingres", La Chronique des Arts et de la Curiosité (May 5 and 12, 1867), vol. V, p. 137, under no. 1
- Catalogue des tableaux, études peintes, dessins et croquis de J.A.D. Ingres exposé dans les galeries de l'Ecole impériale des Beaux-Arts, exh. cat., Ad. Laine et J. Havard (Paris, France, 1867), no. 421
- Charles Blanc, Ingres, sa vie et ses ouvrages, Vve. J. Renouard (Paris, France, 1870), pp. 205-206
- Henri, Vicomte Delaborde, Ingres, sa vie, ses travaux, sa doctrine, d'apres les notices manuscrites et les lettres du maitre, H. Plon (Paris, France, 1870), no. 27, pp. 199-200
- Edouard Gatteaux, Collection des 120 dessins, croquis et peintures de M. Ingres classés et mis en ordre par son ami Edouard Gatteaux, A. Guerinet (Paris, France, 1875), pl. 41
- Henry Lapauze, Les dessins de J.-A.-D. Ingres du Musée de Montauban, J. E. Bulloz (Paris, France, 1901), pp. 146, 250
- Jules Momméja, Ingres, H. Laurens (Paris, France, 1904), p. 107
- Henry Lapauze, "Le 'Bain Turc' d'Ingres", Revue de l'art ancien et moderne (1905), vol. XVIII, pp. 387, 395
- Jules Momméja, Collection Ingres au Musée de Montauban, Inventaire General des richeses d'art de la France. Province, Monuments civils (1905), p. 114 n. 1
- Octave Uzanne, "The Paintings of Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres", Magazine of Fine Arts I (1906), repr. p. 279
- Téodor de Wyzewa, L'Oeuvre Peint de Jean-Dominique Ingres, Frédéric Gittler (Paris, France, 1907), pl. XXXIII, p. v
- Augustine Boyer d'Agen (Jean-Auguste Boye), Ingres d'apres une correspondence inédit, H. Daragon (Paris, France, 1909), repr. opposite p. 464
- Charles Saunier, "Exposition Ingres", Les Arts (July 1911), vol. X, pp. 8, 32
- Georges LeComte, "Ingres, son oeuvre, son influence", Le Correspondent (1911), vols. II and III, pp. 337, 351
- Henry Lapauze, "Jean Briant Paysagiste, maître d'Ingres, et le paysage dans l'oeuvre d'Ingres", Revue de l'art ancien et moderne (1911), vol. XXXIX, pp. 304-307, repr.
- Exposition Ingres, exh. cat., Galerie Georges Petit (Paris, France, 1911), no. 63
- Henry Lapauze, Ingres, sa vie & son oeuvre, G. Petit (Paris, France, 1911), p. 540, repr. p. 527
- The Masterpieces of Ingres (1780-1867): Sixty Reproductions of Photographs from the Original Paintings, Gowans & Gray, Ltd. (London, England, 1913), pl. 40
- Henry Lapauze, Exposition Ingres, exh. cat., Galerie Georges Petit (Paris, France, 1921), no. 49
- Lili Frölich-Bum, Ingres, His Life and Art, William Heinemann, Ltd. (London, England, 1926), p. viii, pl. 74
- Walter Pach, Ingres, Harper and Brothers Publishers (New York, NY and London, England, 1939), pp. 106-107, 136 [258], repr. opposite p. 259
- Edward King, "Ingres as Classicist", The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery (1942), vol. V, p. 101
- Chinese Sculpture, Bronzes, Jades, Paintings and Drawings, Egyptian and Persian sculpture, Pre-Columbian art; selected from the collection of Grenville Lindall Winthrop, exh. cat., Fogg Art Museum (Cambridge, MA, 1943), p. 3
- Agnes Mongan, "Drawings by Ingres in the Winthrop Collection", Gazette des Beaux-Arts (July-December 1944), ser. 6, 26, p. 388, no. 1
- Edgar P. Richardson, "Ingres' Self-Portrait in the Fogg Museum", The Art Quarterly (1944), vol. VII, p. 67
- Jean Alazard, "Ingres et la Peinture Murale", Miscellanea Leo van Puyvelde (Brussels, Belgium, 1949), pp. 248, 249 n. 6
- Jean Alazard, Ingres et l'Ingrisme, Michel (Paris, France, 1950), pp. 103, 151 n. 12
- Paul J. Sachs, The Pocket Book of Great Drawings, Pocket Books, Inc. (New York, 1951), p. 94
- A Loan Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings from the Ingres Museum at Montauban, exh. cat., Knoedler Galleries (New York, NY, 1952), p. [6]
- Walter Friedlaender, David to Delacroix (Cambridge, MA, 1952), p. 88, fig. 48
- Georges Wildenstein, Ingres, Phaidon Press (London, England, 1954), no. 301, p. 227, repr. as pl. 87
- Norman Schlenoff, Ingres, ses sources littéraires, Presses Universitaires de France (Paris, France, 1956), p. 278, pl. XXXV, facing p. 256
- Norman Schlenoff, "Ingres and the Classical World", Archaeology, Archaeological Institute of America (New York, NY, 1959), vol. XII, pp. 23-24, fig. 7
- Martin Birnbaum, The Last Romantic (New York, NY, 1960), p. 190
- Ingres and Degas: Two Classical Draughtsmen, exh. cat., Fogg Art Museum (Cambridge, MA, 1961), no. 11
- Albert Edward Elsen, "Rodin's 'La Ronde' ", The Burlington magazine (1965), vol. CVII, pp. 291, fig. 5, 294
- Pierre Viguié, "Ingres et l'Age d'Or", La Revue des Deux Mondes (December 15, 1967), p. 542
- Ingres, exh. cat., Réunion des Musées Nationaux (Paris, France, 1967), p. 286, under no. 218
- Ingres: Centennial Exhibition, 1867-1967. Drawings, Watercolors and Oil Sketches from American Collections, exh. cat., Fogg Art Museum (Cambridge, MA, 1967), p. x, under no. 87
- Robert Rosenblum, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Harry N. Abrams, Inc. (New York, NY, 1967), pp. 167-169, pl. 47
- Paintings from the Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop shown in conjunction with the Ingres Centennial Exhibition, exh. cat., Fogg Art Museum (Cambridge, MA, 1967), no. VI
- Emilio Radius and Ettore Camesasca, L'opera completa di Ingres, Rizzoli (Milan, Italy, 1968), no. 143b, p. 113, repr.
- Dorothy W. Gillerman, ed., Grenville L. Winthrop: Retrospective for a Collector, exh. cat., Fogg Art Museum (Cambridge, 1969), p. 240
- Daniel Ternois and Ettore Camesasca, Tout l'oeuvre peint d'Ingres (Paris, France, 1971), no. 144B, p. 113, repr.
- Mathieu Méras, "Un Lettre inédite d'Ingres à Luigi Mussini et deux etudes inedites pour l'Age d'Or", Bulletin du Musée Ingres, Amis du Musée Ingres (Montauban, France, 1972), p. 22
- Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier, "Louis Janmot, élève d'Ingres, ami de Delacroix", Bulletin du Musée Ingres, Amis du Musée Ingres (Montauban, France, 1975), fig. 3
- Exhibition of French Drawings Post Neo-Classicism, exh. cat., P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. Ltd. (London, England, 1975), under no. 108
- Louis-Antoine Prat, "Trois dessins inedits d'Ingres pour l'Age d'Or", Bulletin du Musée Ingres, Amis du Musée Ingres (Montauban, France, December 1976), p. 31
- Gianni Rizzoni and Fiorella Minervino, Ingres, Mondadori (Milan, Italy, 1976), p. 74, fig. 1
- René Huyghe, La relève de l'imaginaire: la peinture francaise au XIXe siecle: realisme, romantisme, Flammarion (Paris, France, 1976), p. 231, fig. 249
- Evelyne Pansu, "Quelques aperçus sur la thème iconographique de l'Age d'Or avant Ingres", Bulletin du Musée Ingres, Amis du Musée Ingres (Montauban, France, 1977), p. 102
- Jon Whiteley, Ingres, Oresko Books Ltd. (London, England, 1977), no. 62, p. 81, repr.
- Evelyne Pansu, Ingres Dessins, Chene (Paris, France, 1977), p. 19, repr. p. 27
- Hans Naef, Die Bildniszeichnungen von J.-A.-D. Ingres (Bern, Switzerland, 1978), Vol. III, p. 423
- Ingres: Drawings from the Musée Ingres at Montauban and Other Collections, exh. cat., Victoria and Albert Museum (London, England, 1979), above nos. 65-69, under no. 68, pp. 46-47
- Marcel Giry, "Ingres et le Fauvisme", Actes du colloque international, Ingres et son influence (Montauban, France, 1980), pp. 55-60, pp. 56-57, repr. as fig. 2
- Daniel Ternois, Ingres, Editions Nathan (Paris, France, 1980), pp. 108, 141, repr.
- Gaetan Picon, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Quai des Celestins, 4 (New York, NY, 1980), p. 114; repr. in b/w p. 115
- John Spike, "Ingres at the Fogg Art Museum", The Burlington Magazine (1981), vol. 123, no. 936, p. 190
- 25 Great Masters of Modern Art: Ingres, Kodansha (Tokyo, Japan, 1981), repr. in color no. 58
- Marcel Giry, Le Fauvisme: ses origines, son évolutions, Editions Ides et Calendes (Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 1981), p. 23, 111, repr. in b/w as fig. 43
- Kimio Nakayama and Shuji Takashina, Nu Feminin dans l'Art, vol. 8: Allegories et symboles II, Zauho Press/Editions Shueisha (Tokyo, Japan, 1981), repr. in color no. 41
- William L. Pressly, The Life and Art of James Barry, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT and London, England, 1981), text pp. 203-204, repr. in b/w pl. 140
- Hans Ebert, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Hanschelverlag Kunst und Gesellschaft (Berlin, Germany, 1982), repr. in color, no. 27
- Patricia Condon, In Pursuit of Perfection: The Art of J.-A.-D. Ingres, exh. cat., Speed Art Museum (Louisville, KY, 1983), pp. 18, 19, repr.
- Carol Ockman, "Astraea Redux: A Monarchist Reading of Ingres' Unfinished Murals at Dampierre", Arts Magazine (October 1986), fig. 12 and footnotes 3, 12, 17, and 52, pps. 26 and 27
- Daniel Ternois, "Une amitié romaine: les lettres d'Ingres à Édouard Gatteaux", Actes du Colloque: Ingres et Rome, Montauban (Montauban, 1986), pp. 17-61, pp. 22, 58-61
- Avigdor Arikha, J. A. D. Ingres: Fifty Life Drawings from the Musée Ingres at Montauban, exh. cat., Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Houston, TX, 1986), p. 87, repr.
- Jack Flam, Matisse: the Man and His Art 1869-1918, Cornell University Press (Ithaca, NY, 1986), repr. in b/w fig. 152, p. 159
- Stefan Germer, Historizitat und Autonomie: Studien zu Wandbildern im Frankreich des 19 Jahrhunderts, Georg Olms Verlag (New York, NY and Hildesheim, 1988), repr. in b/w abb. 22, p. 508
- Aline Dardel, "Le theme de l'Age d'Or dans la peinture", La Gazette de l'Hotel Drouot (January 27, 1989), no. 4, no. 4, pp. 64-65, repr.
- Linda Nochlin, "Seurat's Grand Jatte: An Anti-Utopian Allegory", Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies, The Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, IL, 1989), vol. XIV, no. 2, pp. 135-137, repr. in b/w p. 130
- Dessins d'Ingres du musée de Montauban, exh. cat., Pavilion des Arts (Paris, France, 1989), pp. 366-381, repr. b/w p. 57
- Katalin Geller, La Pintura Francesa del siglo XIX, Editorial arte y Literatura (Havana, Cuba, 1989), repr. in color no. 11
- Edgar Peters Bowron, European Paintings Before 1900 in the Fogg Art Museum: A Summary Catalogue including Paintings in the Busch-Reisinger Museum, Harvard University Art Museums (Cambridge, MA, 1990), p. 112; repr. as no. 312
- Annalisa Zanni, Ingres: catalogo completo dei dipinti, Cantini Editore (Florence, Italy, 1990), cat. 95; pp. 123-124, repr. in color
- Katalin Geller, Malarstwo Francuskie w XIX wieku, Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe Warszawa (Budapest, Hungary, 1990), repr. in color no. 11
- Sarah Whitfield, Fauvism, Thames & Hudson (New York, NY, 1991), pp. 150-151, repr. in b/w as fig. 127
- Gaetan Picon, Ingres, Skira Rizzoli (Geneva, Switzerland/New York NY, 1991), repr. in color p. 86
- Dr. Christine Ekelhart-Reinwetter, J. A. D. Ingres 1780-1867: Zeichnungen und Olstudien aus dem musée Ingres, Montauban, Ferdinandeum/Albertina (Innsbruck/Vienna, Austria, 1991), pp. 263-264, repr. in b/w as abb. 109
- James D. Herbert, Fauve Painting: the Making of Cultural Politics, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT and London, England, 1992), repr. in b/w fig. 63 p. 121
- John Elderfield, Henri Matisse: A Retrospective, exh. cat., The Museum of Modern Art (New York, NY, 1992), pp. 54-55, repr. in b/w as fig. 32
- Journey into the Masterpieces 19: The Canvas Seeks the Light, Kodansha Publisher (Tokyo, Japan, Spring 1992), repr. in color 4-37, p. 88
- New History of World Art, vol. 19: Neoclassic Art, Revolutionary Epoque Art, Shogakukan Inc. (Tokyo, Japan, 1993), repr. in b/w fig. 82
- Patricia Condon, "J. A. D. Ingres: Les dessins historiques achévés", Bulletin du Musée Ingres (1995), no. 67-68, pp. 3-86, pp. 15, 36
- Georges Vigne, Dessins d'Ingres: Catalogue raisonné des dessins du musée de Montauban, Gallimard/Reunion des Musées Nationaux (Paris, France, 1995), p. 304
- Georges Vigne, Ingres, Citadelles & Mazenod and Abbeville Press (Paris, France; New York, NY, 1995), pp. 259, 307-308, repr. in color as fig. 263
- Daniel Ternois, "Ingres et la photographie", Bulletin du Musée Ingres (1997), no. 70, pp. 41-50, pp. 47, 50 n. 19
- Paul Smith, "Joachim Gasquet, Virgil and Cézanne's Landscape", Apollo (October 1998), vol. CXLVIII, no. 439, pp. 11-23, p. 11, repr. in b/w as fig. 1
- Daniel Ternois, ed., Lettres d'Ingres à Marcotte d'Argenteuil, Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français (Nogent-le-Roi, France, 1999), p. 185 n. 3, under no. 116
- Valérie Bajou, Monsieur Ingres, Editions Adam Biro (Paris, France, 1999), pp. 294-295; repr. in color as fig. 197
- Gary Tinterow and Philip Conisbee, Portraits by Ingres: Image of an Epoch, exh. cat., The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, NY, 1999), pp. 359-361, fig. 206, p. 535
- Jack Flam, "Matisse and Ingres", Apollo (October 2000), v. 152, no. 464, pp. 20-25, pp. 20-21, repr. in b/w as fig. 3
- Christopher Green, Art in France, 1900-1940, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT, and London, 2000), p. 193, repr. as fig. 229
- André Cariou and Patrick Le Nouëne, Dessins d'artistes: Les plus beaux dessins français de musées d'Angers, exh. cat., Somogy Éditions d'Art (Paris, France, 2000), p. 133, under no. 69, repr. as fig. 50
- Uwe Fleckner, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1780-1867, Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft (Cologne, Germany, 2000), pp. 101-110; repr. in color pp. 106-107 as no. 103
- Inken Freudenberg, "Der Zweifler Cézanne" (2001), Kehrer Verlag, pp. 104-105, repr. in b/w
- Daniel Ternois, Lettres d’Ingres à Marcotte d’Argenteuil: dictionnaire, Librairie des Arts et Métiers-Ed. Jacques Laget (Nogent-le-Roi, France, 2001), pp. 31-32, 35 n. 41, 36-37, 46, 47 n. 22, 98
- "New Spirits and Sacred Springs: Modern Art in France at the Turn of the Century", exh. cat., Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal / Art Gallery of Ontario (Montreal / Toronto, 2002), repr. p. 40 as fig. 19
- Chikashi Kitazaki and Mina Oya, ed., Between Reality and Dreams: Nineteenth Century British and French Art from the Winthrop Collection of the Fogg Art Museum, exh. cat., National Museum of Western Art (Ueno, 2002), pp. 66-67, cat. #1, color repr.
- Margaret Werth, The Joy of Life: the idyllic in French art, circa 1900, University of California Press (Berkeley, CA, 2002), p. 8, repr. as fig. 5
- Stephan Wolohojian, ed., A Private Passion: 19th-Century Paintings and Drawings from the Grenville L. Winthrop Collection, Harvard University, exh. cat., The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Yale University Press (U.S.) (New York, 2003), no. 81, pp. 207-209, repr. in color
- Stephan Wolohojian, Ingres, Burne-Jones, Whistler, Renoir... La Collection Grenville L. Winthrop, exh. cat., Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon and Réunion des Musées Nationaux (Paris, France, 2003), no. 81, pp. 217-219, repr. in color
- Robert Dupin, "La Collection Winthrop", Universalia, Encyclopaedia Universalis (Paris, France, 2004), pp. 343-344, p. 344
- Alastair Wright, Matisse and the Subject of Modernism, Princeton University Press (Princeton NJ, 2004), p. 97, pl. 49
- Alt dandser, tro mit Ord!, exh. cat., Thorvaldsens Museum (Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005), pp. 74-75, 78, repr. in color as fig. 8
- M. Battistini, Symbols and Allegories in Art, J. Paul Getty Museum (2005), repr. in color p. 91, under "The Ages of the World."
- Vincent Pomarède, Stéphane Guégan, Louis-Antoine Prat, and Eric Bertin, Ingres 1780-1867, exh. cat., Editions Gallimard (Paris, France, 2006), pp. 340-348, 361; repr. p. 361 as ill. 216
- Karin H. Grimme, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 1780-1867, Taschen GmbH (Cologne, Germany, 2006), p. 84; repr. in color pp. 82-83
- Linda Nochlin, "Seurat's Grand Jatte: An Anti-Utopian Allegory", Critical Readings in Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, ed. Mary Tompkins Lewis, University of California Press (Berkeley, 2007), p. 255
- Louis-Antoine Prat, Le dessin français au XIXe siècle, Somogy Éditions d'Art (Paris, 2011), p. 187
- Charles Dempsey, Joseph J. Rishel, and George T.M. Shackelford, Gauguin, Cézanne, Matisse: Visions of Arcadia, exh. cat., Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia, 2012), pp. 20-22, reproduced fig. 19
- Impressionist and Modern Art Evening Sale, auct. cat., Sotheby's, New York (May 2, 2012), p. 142, fig. 2
- Vincent Pomarède and Carlos G. Navarro, Ingres, exh. cat., Museo Nacional del Prado (Madrid, 2015)
- Tour de Force: William Bouguereau's "La Jeunesse de Bacchus", auct. cat., Sotheby's, New York (New York, May 14, 2019), pp. 34-37, repr. pp. 35 and 36 as fig. 22
- Danielle Hampton Cullen, "Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Study for 'Young Girls Playing Volant'", French Paintings and Pastels, 1600-1945: Collections of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, ed. Aimee Marcereau DeGalan, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (Kansas City, 2022), [online publication], https://doi.org/10.37764/78973.5.655.5407, accessed February 28, 2022
Exhibition History
- Tableaux, etudes peintes, dessins et croquis de J.-A.-D. Ingres peintre d'histoire, sénateur, membre de l'Institut, École Impériale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 04/10/1867 - 12/31/1867
- Exposition Ingres, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, 04/26/1911 - 05/14/1911
- Exposition Ingres, Chambre Syndicale de la Curiosité et des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 05/08/1921 - 06/05/1921
- Chinese sculpture, bronzes, jades, paintings and drawings, Egyptian and Persian sculpture, Pre-Columbian art : selected from the collection of Grenville Lindall Winthrop, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 10/01/1943 - 02/28/1944
- Ingres and Degas: Two Classical Draughtsmen, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 04/24/1961 - 05/20/1961
- Paintings from the Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop shown in conjunction with the Ingres Centennial Exhibition, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 02/12/1967 - 04/09/1967
- Master Paintings from the Fogg Collection, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 04/13/1977 - 08/31/1977
- Works by J.-A.-D. Ingres in the Collection of the Fogg Art Museum, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 10/17/1980 - 12/07/1980
- Between Reality and Dreams: Nineteenth Century British and French Art from the Winthrop Collection of the Fogg Art Museum, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 09/14/2002 - 12/08/2002
- A Private Passion: 19th-Century Paintings and Drawings from the Grenville L. Winthrop Collection, Harvard University, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, Lyon, 03/15/2003 - 05/26/2003; National Gallery, London, 06/25/2003 - 09/14/2003; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 10/23/2003 - 01/25/2004
- For Students of Art and Lovers of Beauty: Highlights from the Collection of Grenville L. Winthrop, Harvard University Art Museums, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 04/16/2004
- 32Q: 2200 19th Century, Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, 11/10/2015 - 01/01/2050
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