A New Constellation

May 6, 2015

In mid-April, Carlos Amorales’s Triangle Constellation took shape above the Harvard Art Museums’ Calderwood Courtyard. The Mexican-born artist came to Harvard for the occasion, joining a range of museums staff members and university colleagues who collaborated on the work’s installation.

The specially commissioned mobile sculpture is part of the Art in Public Spaces initiative, launched to help visitors experience art from the moment they enter the museums. All the more extraordinary, Triangle Constellation is visible from every level of the building—and its reflective, hollow shapes allow views across the courtyard and into the galleries.

“View the sculpture from various floors,” urged Mary Schneider Enriquez, the museums’ Houghton Associate Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, as she introduced a lecture given by Amorales. “It appears totally different from each perspective.”

As our short video attests, the new perspectives afforded by Triangle Constellation are many, and they became apparent as soon as the work’s assembly began.