"Actors Segawa Kikujirō as Yaoya Oshichi and Sanjō Kantarō II as Koshō Kichisaburō (Okumura Toshinobu 奥村利信) , 1933.4.1597,” Harvard Art Museums collections online, Dec 22, 2024,
Reuse via IIIF
A woman is sitting in the windowsill with her hair tied back and wearing layered orange and yellow patterned clothing. She gestures towards the interior as she looks at the figure below. To the right of the window are several lines of large Japanese script. The lower figure wears a large round straw hat and layered black, yellow, and orange patterned clothing decorated with flowers and a large design of a moth. There is another line of Japanese script along the right, as well as black stamp and a small red stamp in the bottom right corner.