"The Dry-Shallows Shell (Minasegai), from the series The Poetry-Shell Matching Game of the Genroku Era (Genroku kasen kai awase) (Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎) , 1933.4.1770,” Harvard Art Museums collections online, Jan 05, 2025,
Reuse via IIIF
The scenic Japanese screen depicts four people in a landscape, one on a horse on the left, the three others stand by the side, all wear small black hats and robes amongst a green hilly landscape. On the lower right, a floor case is enclosed with chicken wire, inside are two rocks and plant material. Three small books rest on the floor, the top one is splayed open with a bookmark. Vertical calligraphy lines are written across the top half, with a red seal on right and small opened fan-shape below it.